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VITRIOL Showcases Suffering In New Single & Video "He Will Fight Savagely"

Their new record is out now.

Vitrol is now streaming their new single "He Will Fight Savagely" alongside a music video that explores suffering, and turning that pain into pleasure. As the band notes, there were no special effects or camera tricks used in the video; the experience was authentic and genuine. The was directed by MM Fabrications and Mark Blanchard and shot and edited by Alexander Bemis.

"'Savagely' closes out Suffer with an explosion of resolve and survival in the wake of navigating my lesser darkness during what could be described as a spiritual crisis," said Vitriol of the single and video. "It sees me reminding myself of a commitment to a life of fruitful conflict, confrontation, and growth. It is about championing actualization over tranquility, and welcoming the suffering of the aspiring overman. Father, I am with you now!"

Suffer & Become is out now and is available here. Suffer & Become was produced by Rasmussen and mixed by Dave Otero (Archspire, Cattle Decapitation). On the record and its relationship to Vitrol's 2019 record To Bathe From The Throat Of Cowardice, Rasmussen said: "Living in the world of that first album was very difficult for me. It's not a nice place. It was very intentionally imbalanced in the same way a horror film is imbalanced. I wanted a healthier world for me to live in, and I believe I achieved that."

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