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MAYHEM Are Currently Mixing Their New Record

Mayhem haven't put a full-length out since 2007, and it did pretty damn well. Now the legendary black metal group are working on finishing up their next release for an earlier 2014 release!

Mayhem are currently sitting in Mølla Studio in Gjerstad, Norway getting their mix on for a yet-to-be-titled record due out early 2014. If the record is anything like their 2007 Ordo Ad Chao record I'll be pretty pleased with things, though there's a whopping seven years between when they were writing that record and when they wrote this one (or about that, give or take), so who knows what we'll be getting from the group. I'm hoping for a little bit of the creepy talking vocals Atilla Csihar brings to Sunn O))) on the record, because why not? You're Mayhem. You don't have to prove shit to anyone.

[via Blabbermouth]

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