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MESHUGGAH Celebrate 25th Anniversary With Limited Edition Re-Releases

Meshuggah have been around for 25 years already? Time flies when you're fucking with it on every single one of your albums, I suppose! The band are going to be issuing some re-releases with some bonus material! Come get learned!

Meshuggah will be dropping their re-releases on October 15 as special digipacks with some bonus tracks, which rules because more Meshuggah is always good Meshuggah. The catch is that there will only be 2,500 of each album reissued and once they're gone, they're gone.

The albums being reissued are Contradictions Collapse, Destroy Erase Improve, Chaosphere, Nothing, Catch Thirty Three, Obzen… or pretty much everything that isn't the EPs before Contradictions Collapse, the I EP, and Koloss.

I wonder if the bonus tracks will be remixes and live tracks like they were on the Chaosphere reissue (and the other reissues that went with it), or B-sides? And which Nothing are they going to reissue? These are the questions! Once more info is released on the re-issues, we'll be sure to let you know.

[via The PRP]

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