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BORN OF OSIRIS Stream Tomorrow We Die Alive In Full!

Born of Osiris are streaming their new record Tomorrow We Die Alive, which is out August 20 (so yeah, it's out)! If there were ever a record the band released to divide their fanbase, it's this one.

Just so we're clear here, I absolutely love this record; it's a logical progression from what they did on The Discovery and I totally love the over-the-top electronica and various instruments they've programed. That being said, I think this record is rally going to divide fans. There's a lot less focus on riffing and guitars on this record, almost to the point of the guitars feeling a little lost in some songs. If anything, Tomorrow We Die Alive is a heavy, heavy electronica record with a heaping pile of metal sitting on top… which is cool by me. Make up your own mind and take a listen above! We'll have a review up for the record soon enough.

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