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EVANESCENCE Has Their Own Graphic Novel Anthology Now

The first issue is out June 2021.


Evanesence is starting their own line of graphic novel anthology series titled Echoes From the Void. The series will be five issues and will be based on themes found throughout the band's catalog, starting with Evanescence's upcoming new album The Bitter Truth.

The first issue will take on the songs "Better Without You" and "Wasted On You" from The Bitter Truth, will be written by Carrie Lee South and Blake Northcott (Arena Mode Saga, DC’s Catwoman), and will feature illustrations from Abigail Larson and Kelly McKernan.

According to the press release, the first print edition of each issue will be released as a prestige format limited-edition collectible comic book, with cardstock covers, specialty foil treatments, glossy pages, and individual numbering. Each first printing will be limited to 3,000 copies priced at $18.95.

The art of Echoes From the Void will also be made available to purchase through a series of archival fine art prints. Incorporating symbols and themes from across the band’s discography into an intricate traditionally painted work that also debuts a mysterious original character, the print features a blue tint glow in the dark base with a luminous pink UV active overlay, as part of an individually numbered 500-piece collection.

That issue is out sometime in June 2021 and pre-orders are available here.

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