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Serj Tankian Has Written Another Entirely New EP Already, Two More Albums In The Works

2019-05-17-Sonic-Temple-System of a Down

We're only getting started for the promotional cycle for Serj Tankian's next EP, Elasticity, and turns out Serj already has a whole other EP in the bag.

We've heard the title track, "Elasticity" and the EP is slated for a March 19th release. Originally, the tracks were ideas he had for a System of A Down album that never was. But this new new EP is  “a different genre of rock, more electronic and mellow and beautiful," according to a recent interview.

Tankian told

Tankian told Kerrang! that he's actually got a few different projects in the works. “All I can tell you is that I have some material ready from last year because lockdown was a musician’s studio dream, in a way. You can get in and work because you don’t need to travel or anything else. I was able to create and finish a lot of music as well.

“I was able to finish this EP, I’ve created another EP of a different genre of rock, more electronic and mellow and beautiful. That type of music. I’ve got two records of cinematic music, instrumental music of stuff that I’ve had that I created for the sake of it, and a 24-minute modern piano concerto that I’ll be releasing this year.”

“I know I’m scheduled to do some film scores, and they’re accompanying genres and flavors that I enjoy, because each film is different, each director wants a different thing. I’ll end up with a record — a soundtrack — of music that I’ve never done before that I could completely create: that’s an artist’s wet dream, right? Whatever comes to me from the universe in terms of the type of music, I have no idea…”

We will certainly be listening!

[via MetalSucks]

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