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ALL THAT REMAINS Are Done Recording Their New Album

Our favorite frontman's band is back. All That Remains have announced they have completed recording their new album, which will be called You Can Not Win. The band once again reunited with mega-producer/Killswitch Engage guitarist Adam D. to work on the record which will be released in September on Razor & Tie/Prosthetic. Who's excited? Phil is excited. Here is an official statement:

So we’re gonna release a new disc in the fall and it’s called ‘A War You Can Not Win’. We really busted our asses and tried to do some new stuff (like we always do) and we’re really happy about what came out of it. Some of it is pretty different and is REALLY gonna blow you guys away. Some of it is gonna sound just like what you expect from ATR. And I’m sure all of it is gonna make the internet have a conniption fit! Release is gonna be this fall and we’re already working on a co-headline tour to show some of it off!

While I'm ready for Labonte to return into the news cycle, because, it's fun to write about his conservatism and potential lunacy. To be fair, it was fun hanging out while incredibly drunk at Saints and Sinners Fest… but that was six years ago.

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