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ANIMALS AS LEADERS Recording New Material

Here's some exciting news: Animals As Leaders are currently in the studio recording a new album. Unlike their landmark first album, where guitarist/founder Tosin Abasi wrote everything himself and then commissioned Periphery axeman Misha Mansoor to program drums and produce the record, this time around, the entire band is involved in the writing process. Additionally, drummer Navene Koperweis will be handling production duties for the album. As for the sound of the record, the band promises a familiar AAL sound, but they will also “incorporate whatever we thought was missing from the last album.”

All of this was revealed in a really solid video interview Tosin and fellow guitarist Javier Reyes conducted with Ryan's Rock Show. We also learned that Reyes auditioned for Periphery a few years ago, but ultimately didn't take the gig, as well as some other fun morsels of knowledge. Here is the full video interview:

It's crazy to think that the new TRAM record is set to hit shelves in a few weeks (June 28th) and all that is currently available from the band are bootleg live videos shot at SXSW.

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