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BEHEMOTH Offer First Tease of New Album

Spoiler: Nergal is Jesus on the cross.

Spoiler: Nergal is Jesus on the cross.

Behemoth have been done recording their new album for quite some time now, and this fall, it finally seems like we will be hearing the Polish blackened death metal band's latest opus.

How do I know? Well, because Behemoth have kicked off the promotion cycle for the album with a very subtle tease:

Of course this could be me reading into things, but the band's label, Metal Blade Records, made sure to retweet the photo. Could we be looking at a piece of the cover art for the new album?

You might just assume this is a painting of Jesus, but if you look closer, members of Behemoth are in this piece of art.

Here's Nergal as Jesus:

BEHEMOTH Offer First Tease of New Album

Bassist Orion is to the left as some other religious being whom I don't know because I never took religion seriously:

BEHEMOTH Offer First Tease of New Album

Drummer Inferno is also featured, trying to make a point:

BEHEMOTH Offer First Tease of New Album

Unless I am blind, the band's other guitarist Seth is not featured in this artwork.

In a recent interview with Full Metal Jackie, Nergal said the new album is going to be a "different record" and that you're probably going to say "what the fuck" when you hear it.

"Yeah, it's gonna be a different record, a different approach. I don't wanna talk much about it, because we've gotta stay kind of confident about it and just keep it to ouselves. But the whole structure of the album, the way it's built, it's one of a kind and it's something that we've never done before. So it's new grounds and it starts with the album title and everything behind it. You will be, like, 'Okay, what the fuck is going on here?' So it still does surprise me; it still feels very refreshing and very new — yeah, very refreshing. Yeah, I'm very excited. And I wish I could tell more about the new record, but the moment will come that we'll open Pandora's Box and then the world will see."

He was just as coy when we interviewed him at the beginning of the year, while discussing the new album:

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