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What an awful band name.

What an awful band name.

Slash Ft. Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators, arguably one of the most cumbersome band names in rock currently, have confirmed what we all thought to be true. The band will release their first album in four years sometime this fall, as they've recently entered the studio with producer Michael "Elvis" Baskette (Alter Bridge, Incubus, Sevendust). The band also confirms there will be a tour alongside the album this fall, which means Slash will momentarily hop off the money train that is the unstoppable Guns N' Roses reunion tour.

"I'm excited about the new stuff we put together for this next record; it's got some cool songs and it's got a great live feel. I've been working with Myles, Brent and Todd for about eight years now. It's been an amazing ride so far; as a band we continue to get better which is great. With the addition of Frank [Sidoris, guitarist and vocalist] since the 'World On Fire' tour, I feel we have hit a great, creative stride which I definitely think shows on this next record."

Maybe when the Guns N' Roses tour comes to a halt for Slash to go do his thing, vocalist Axl Rose will also take some time to hunker down and get that rumored AC/DC album done too?

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