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The best Hetfield look is back.

Upcoming Releases

We are ready for IV.

Upcoming Releases

Are the maggots ready?

Tour Dates

All hell is, once again about to, break lose

Latest News

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Mass Grave’s Our Due Descent.

Live Footage

You might remember "No Leaf Clover" as the single off the band's awesome S & M live album, inarguably one of the best songs...

Upcoming Releases

The vocal tracking is the final step in the recording process!

At The Movies

Bill & Ted & Hitler?!?


With a four-year gap between records, two lineup changes and an entire rerecording, it was fair for anticipation of Skyharbor's long-awaited third album to...

Gear Gods

A while back our friend Trey Xavier of Gear Gods performed an experiment to see if an acoustic guitar can shred underwater and he's...

Music Videos

We've spotlighted Tengger Cavalry on the site many times, with the band looking to their Mongolian roots, to bring new flavor and flare to...


“I am going to sing for you. A little off key, perhaps, but I will sing. I will sing while you croak. I will...

New Music

Which I believe is Latin for an old, old wooden ship.

Latest News

He just doesn't see a point in trying to recreate the past.

This Is Just A Tribute

John had a long battle with pancreatic cancer.


It's China's version of The Voice.

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to MaXXX, who had the best zinger: 'A true "slave to substance"' Now for this week's fun...

New Music

It sounds like an outtake from The Stage