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This is actually a pretty good read.


Sorceress is a peculiarly strong album, but not heavy in any traditional sense, and Åkerfeldt often seems to have merely broadened his influences rather...

Music Videos

We prefer calling it nu-djent


Even though collections such as Death Resonance are often cast aside and typically not recognized as part of a band's traditional discography, it's speaks...

Upcoming Releases

Lars shares some words of wisdom on the new Metallica album.

Shocking Revelations

A Dio hologram is a real thing that exists now.


Much can be said to the "Meh" quality of most bands in one of the most mature, yet juvenile sub-genre in metal, so it's...


Command Your Weather bears the most consistent blend of hooks and heaviosity in the Big Business catalog since that first statement of purpose, Head...


The band draws instant comparisons to their peers in Holy Grail, Skelator, Monument and White Wizard, which also means they like their Jag Panzer,...


Over the years, songwriters, wanting to prove the mastery of their art, have tried to add a whole new meaning to their songs by...

The Obituarist

Howdy mutants, Trevor aka The Obituarist here to round of some of the finest releases in extreme music that I’ve been able to exhume...


While rooted firmly in black metal, Wayfarer inject a healthy amount of atmospheric, folk and post metal elements into their music, which makes for...


Skin Drone has created the cluster mindfuck of the year with Evocation...


Diamond Head is easily the strongest of the band's albums since 1993's Death in Progress, in most ways exceeding that effort with several high...


Yes, we're actually advocating that you don't shower.


At this point in music history, the Frenchmen of Gojira have cemented themselves as one of the paramount metal bands of this generation. Though the band's...

Latest News

Parkway Drive, Beartooth, and Asking Alexandria also took home some awards.


Here we are, half way through 2016, where a competitive batch of Doom/Sludge bands will be competing and compared to one another. Will Cough's...