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Search results for "Limited"

Bands and Booze

Alive Or Just Breathing, meet Alive Or Just Brewing.

Metal Merch

It's the fourth statue figuring we've gotten in less than one year.

Metal Crimes

The tale of the Ghost lawsuit has a new wrinkle. This week, we learned four former members of the band are taking Ghost mastermind Tobias Forge...


When I sat down to review this, I wasn't sure what there would be to say about an album comprised of live versions of...

Metal Crimes

This all happened in 2016, and the dude is suing a lot of people. Is it justified? Maybe.

Upcoming Releases

Katatonia, Darkthrone, Enslaved, Alice In Chains, Warbringer, etc.

New Music

This bonus track is so good it should've made the album cut.

Upcoming Releases

Just last week, Danzig teased he will be releasing a new album this year, his first in nearly seven years since 2010's Red Dead...

Metal In The Mainstream

We're ready for the new season like right now!

Music Videos

If you're into brutally fast, precision breaking death metal, then The Voynich Code might be your favorite jam of the year! We are pumped...


Brooklyn post metal to the rescue, Thera Roya are masters of their craft.

Upcoming Releases

The Dillinger Escape Plan, Motorhead, Darkthrone, Today Is The Day, Coheed & Cambria, the list goes on...


Brits have been starved of heavy metal on their TV screens. Here are ten stellar performances that managed to make their way onto the...

Song Premiere

The Rennes-based sludge/noise quartet broadens their scope and focuses their rage on a punishing new track.

Metal Merch

For the last two years, the Heavy Metal Heroes Valentine's Day Cards have been the highlight of the month. We've posted about these awesome...

Bummer Alert

Bummer news for Metallica fans in Copenhagen. The band announced today that the February 5th show has been postponed until September. The reason for...


Find out who you're missing out on featuring Demonic Resurrection, Skyharbor, Undying Inc, Zygnema, Systemhouse33, Inner Sanctum, Albatross, Kryptos, Goddess Gagged, Noiseware, Eccentric Pendulum,...