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Slipknot has given us a number of awesome videos over the years. Here are ten of the best...

Upcoming Releases

How many of them are going to be The Devin Townsend Project?

Shocking Revelations

Zakk hasn't played on an Ozzy record since 2007's Black Rain.


Michigan progressive death metal masters The Yellow Sign, who were active from 2007-2010, were one of those bands that I discovered on MySpace essentially due...

The Thinking Man

Yes, it sucks Beardfish is gone, but Rikard Sjöblom is still going strong!

New Music

Tombs brings the mid-paced doom.

Full Album Stream

Comity are an experimental hardcore band who are unafraid to borrow a little from everywhere making their latest track one of their most exciting...

The Thinking Man

Greetings Prog Dogs (no one calls you that)! In my last entry into the Thinking Man's Thursday series, I discussed the band Hemina and...

Funeral Doom Friday

It’s the weekend! What better way to get it started than with the latest installment of “Funeral Doom Friday”. This weekly column looks to...

Metal Crimes

The guy on the left, that's Nickelback drummer Daniel Adair. The guy on the right? That is Howard Koenig, who was just arrested for two felony fraud-related...

Shocking Revelations

Sonny Moore, also known as Skrillex, was the lead singer of From First To Last from 2004 to 2007. After 10 years away, Moore...

Upcoming Releases

New Eighteen Visions is coming.

The Wednesday Sludge

Every week, Michael Pementel dissects the heavy riffs of bands — new and old — in The Wednesday Sludge. He was gracious enough to...

Bummer Alert

Sad news to report for Kittie fans – bassist Trish Doan has passed away. She was only 31 years old. Kittie revealed the news...

Upcoming Releases

For the first time in 10 years, new Eighteen Visions is coming.


The 59th annual GRAMMYs are now in the record books, and just based on the amount of posts I've written in the last 24...


This list is evidence of how out of touch the GRAMMYs can be when it comes to metal. With the Grammy Awards this Sunday, (metal...