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Anaal Nathrakh has forged quite a well-deserved reputation for being unrelenting, uncompromising, and truly brutal purveyors of extreme metal. Here in the latter stages...

Fuck Yes!

Another shining example of what a great dude Dime was.

Weekly Injection

It's officially peanut butter trees season. Pardon me while I get fat. This edition includes tech, atmosphere, dissonance, and more! To the metals…

At The Movies

Randy Blythe has got the acting bug! Earlier this week, we learned he will be appearing in a Taiwanese action comedy produced by the...


During this week’s episode of one of the longest running metal podcasts, your hosts, Cary and Sean welcome aboard a fellow podcaster, Justin from...

Latest News

The ultimate buyer's guide for heavy metal fans shopping for Christmas or Hanukkah gifts for a loved one!


Perhaps there’s no greater love letter to our sweaty, hedonistic subculture than the heavy metal cover song. Metal kids grow up playing along to...

Latest News

The thought of Loomis touring with Arch Enemy is interesting but the idea of a Loomis/Amott double-shred attack on a potential new Arch Enemy...


I had the pleasure of seeing Lazer/Wulf perform last month at the Metal Injection/MetalSucks CMJ showcase, along with the even greater pleasure of meeting...


Not sure if anyone was more astonished than I when Carcass unveiled the masterpiece that is Surgical Steel last year. I am admittedly a...

Metal Crimes

A few weeks ago, Miss Fortune vocalist Mikey Sawyer had the… misfortune (sorry) of being dropped from his label Sumerian after being arrested on...


I can’t imagine what it's like to lose a band mate. Riot, a band with five decades of history, has had to deal with...

Live Footage

Metallica performed for nearly 100 minutes at the BlizzCon video game convention. Here is their setlist: 1:52 Hit The Lights 5:58 Master Of Puppets...

Latest News

Take a look at the Metallica drummer's finest performances. Seriously.

Full Album Stream

After all the leaks, the tour cancellations and the trolling, it's time to finally hear what Machine Head have been pouring their souls into...


In existence since the mid-nineties, Dawnbringer released three gritty, punk-cum-early NWOBHM inspired albums before catching a lot more attention and acclaim with 2010's Nucleus...

It's Just Business

Like a stock, but LESS STOKK. MORE ROKK!

Weekly Injection

Welp folks. We're about to hit that dry period of album releases. Most labels have already pushed their best stuff and are prepping for...

Bummer Alert

Wayne Static, frontman of Static-X was found dead Halloween weekend, 2014. No official cause of death is revealed, but a drug overdose is suspected.