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Search results for "six"


A list for when black metal die-hards fall victims to ennui.

Weekly Injection

Plus released from The Gorge, Nuclear Power Trio, Sign of the Swarm, and Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats


"The hateful, menacing, and sickening Panic Prayer is sure to please lovers of old-school death-thrash."

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The last of three festive days of auditory and body art closes with a bang

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Not even the elements could rain on this heavily-inked parade.

New Music

Project: Vengeance, the band featuring vocalists Will Ramos (Lorna Shore), Taylor Barber (Left To Suffer), Darius Tehrani (Spite), Dickie Allen (Infant Annihilator), and Tyler...

In The Studio

Kurt Ballou is involved.


If you love a good story about a band whose early origins can be traced back to High School, like Black Sabbath (Tony Iommi...


Long live the black metallics arts; death to stereotypes.


The legend is back with yet another imagination-defying wonder!


"Put the two together and you have a wide-ranging Butcher Babies release with something for everyone."