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Search results for "howl"


Having recently witnessed Generation of Vipers live and in the flesh on their home turf, it’s still amazing and somewhat surprising to know that...


Rock and roll was the devil's music in the 1950s. Hell, it is to some scant few today. If it has to be considered...


1349 is a perplexing creature among the fork-tongued legions of Satan's choirs. Some folks will tell you they are mind-bending visionaries, while others will...


If your band is going to experiment with a particular sound, to see where it can go and to what lengths it can be...


Six years is a long time to wait between freshman and sophomore albums; especially when the freshman album is one of the best death...


There's no escaping the ghost of Pepper Keenan. Not an original member of COC, the man nonetheless spent the 90's reshaping the band in...


Crawling out of a graveyard in typically un-satanic North Carolina, Bloody Hammers are full-on horror rock with the eerie glam of Marilyn Manson and...


Last April, Brooklyn metal trio Mortals announced they'd signed a deal with Relapse Records to release their debut LP. Now, as the albums's July 8...

Weekly Injection

Welcome to a slow-ish, but very weird week of THE WEEKLY INJECTION. In this edition we have side-projects, amazing sludge and a band that...

Black Metal History

The album plays like a final showdown, with some of the bands finest grooves and riffs packed into just over 34 minutes of Black...

Black Metal History

The one sub-genre of music most closely associated with hatred, chaos, misanthropy, individualism, and a lack of rules has come to be known as...


Sometimes you just want to listen to something heavy; something that gets your blood flowing and your air guitar shamelessly displayed. Ravenous Plague is...

Heavy Metal Underground

In 2013, despite widespread unrest, political turmoil, civil wars, and ongoing Western meddling in sovereign affairs, the Middle East hosts a thriving metal scene....

Best of 2013

It's that time of year again, folks! "Best Of" list season is upon us! It's that magical three week period in December when we...

Bummer Alert

Late Friday night, we were shocked to report on the passing of founding EYEHATEGOD drummer Joey LaCaze at the age of 42. No further...


A five year break is an eternity in the internet-driven world of rotisserie trends and frenetic meme turnover, but sometimes a band just need...


When we posted the link for the Walk Through Exits Only album stream, you would think the response on Facebook was well…schizophrenic. It was...

Upcoming Releases

American black metal band Vattnet Viskar have finally announced their debut album Sky Swallower. Thank. Fucking. God. The clarion call for the next wave...


Autopsy are elders of death metal – their 1989 debut Severed Survival being preceded by few others, and founding member Chris Reifert played drums on Scream Bloody...

Relapse Records Podcast

This month we have exclusive tracks from Baroness, new music from Locrian, Unkind, ASG and more!  As always, we have the latest updates, tour...

Latest News

Unearth have left Metal Blade Records to hop on EOne Music for their upcoming release later on this year! A release that will feature...


Holy hell, you guys! The metal gods heard my complaining last week. I made the mistake of bitching about not enough notable releases, and...


The nouveau thrash movement may or may not be dead, but, regardless of how you feel about the genre's well being, Texas' Power Trip...