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Search results for "Inis"


No, literally… that's what it's called.


Vermin Womb is one of those bands that reminisce about wrecked neighborhoods. The feeling of an utter, haunting dark isolating that cuts straight to...


Which side are you on?


Polyphia stands head and shoulders above their contemporaries in what I can only describe as instrumental progressive rock that sounds like Michael Jackson and...


If your band is going to experiment with a particular sound, to see where it can go and to what lengths it can be...


Johnny Touch - Creepy band name; tasty NWOBHM throwback bangers.


This will be the last time we even broach this subject


For the first time in over twenty years!


Do you like Nevermore? Then you'll like this track!

Weekly Injection

You ever just have one of those moments where you can't stop listening to "One Week," by The Barenaked Ladies? That's what I'm going...


May 2008 was the first year I attended New England Metal and Hardcore Festival, and though I’ve been to several since then with impressive...

Latest News

If you want to know who the new drummer is, you're going to have to wait!

Latest News

JESUS IS COMING! HIDE THE BO- nevermind. It's just a witch.

Open Metacast

In the novel 1984 there is a room called Room 101 wherein the "Ministry of Love" subjects prisoners to their worst fears, phobias and...

Full Album Stream

It might divide the band's fan base with their new sound exploration.

Bummer Alert

If you were getting your hopes up for new Wintersun, sorry to crush your dreams.


Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Wolvhammer made waves back in 2011 with crusty black metal gem The Obsidian Plains, cementing them as rising shadows in the...


Prog metal doesn't begin to describe this. This isn't post-apocalyptic. This is the apocalypse happening.


Cardinal Wyrm's second album, Black Hole Gods, is an hour long soundscape woven from the fabric of doom, occult rock, goth, and psychedelia. It's...

Upcoming Releases

Did you know Machine Head were doing a new record? I bet you didn't.

Upcoming Releases

Philm is coming this September.