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Search results for "six"

Injection Reflection

This week seemed way longer than it was, most likely due to my jet-setting to Anehiem for NAMM and back…and by jet-setting, I mean,...


My buddies at MetalSucks just alerted me of a new duo out on the Brooklyn scene, and this is TRUE black metal… in that...

Latest News

Black Sabbath are notorious party animals, or were at least. The band has a song dedicated to marijuana and another one dedicated to cocaine....

Latest News

As the old saying goes, "don't judge a book by its cover"; well definitely don't judge this excellent album by its lackluster, high school...

Injection Reflection

The first full week of the 2013 is over and it was a pretty big news week. There was tour announcements, band replacements, homophobia...


Mastodon might be busy working on new material right now, but that hasn't stopped bassist Troy Sanders from a few projects on the side....


Happy 2013 Metal Injection Junkies! 2012 proved to be a huge year for Metal Injection and even some of us personally, but in order...

Best of 2012

Of all of our Best of 2012 coverage, I look forward to the list created by you, the Metal Injection junkies the most. It...

Bummer Alert

I never know how to type these things, because I never prepare for this shit. Ministry and Rigor Mortis guitarist Mike Scaccia died over...

Upcoming Releases

The writing process for this new Avenged Sevenfold album has certainly been unique. Frontman M. Shadows has compared the sound to classic Black Sabbath...

Sick Art

A few months ago, Frank and I were invited to a private Clutch party where the band would play six new tracks from their...

Latest News

Unless you've been living under a rock, you have heard about the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT this past Friday, leaving 26 dead, most...

Best of 2012

2012 has been a strange old year for metal in the UK. It saw the dissolution of our much treasured Roadrunner Records UK as...

Upcoming Releases

Fans are expecting a brand new Alice In Chains album in 2013 and it looks as if they will actually get it. No 14...

Upcoming Releases

This is a pretty exciting time to be a fan of Avenged Sevenfold. The band simultaneously released a new track and appeared in the...

Latest News

Ever since quitting Metallica twelve years ago, Jason Newsted has kept a relatively low profile. Sure, he helped out with some bass duties for...

Tour Dates

Decibel Magazine sure knows how to throw a party. Our favorite monthly metal publication will be celebrating it's 100 issue in January, and to...

Tour Dates

Turisas are coming back to the states, and they're bringing Firewind and Stolen Babies with them. Stolen Babies seems like a weird choice for...

Latest News

…And the Black Sabbath recording process continues. A few weeks back, we got an exclusive update from Shangri La studios, where Sabbath is recording...


I've always found the practice of naming such a strange and fascinating concept. Today more than ever we put such a huge importance on...

Latest News

About six months ago, I pleaded with fellow bloggers and journalists to please stop asking drummer Vinnie Paul about a potential Pantera reunion. For...

Injection Reflection

The week has come to an end here at Metal Injection and it's time to recap the top pages of the week. We decided...

Tour Dates

You may have heard by now that Cattle Decapitation dropped off their current tour with Six Feet Under a few days ago, after an...