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Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include, admittedly, an unfair number of California bands, a death metal supergroup, and more! To the metals...


Sitting down with Baroness mastermind John Baizley following the release of the groups highly touted fifth studio album Gold & Grey – the final...

Upcoming Releases

The new album will be out this fall.


If 2018 was a big year for heavy metal, 2019 has been gigantic. Roughly six months in and the sheer quantity and quality of...

Latest News

Headbangers come in many forms, including Dads that still like to rock but also attend PTA meetings, because I hate to break it to...

Injection Reflection

The weather in NYC tomorrow is going to be warm enough where I can go to the beach and swim in the water. It's...


When we look back through the history of our great binder heavy metal, there are names that stand out. Ask a novice on the...

Music Videos

Sweden's VAK are about to drop their sophomore album, Loud Wind, on August 23rd via Indie Recordings and it's an album you should be...

At The Movies

If the cover art to the score of 3 From Hell is any indication, we finally have some idea who the actual 3 From...

Full Album Stream

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

New Music

Cactus' version was just the popular version.


Heavy metal has its share of iron men. The road warriors who carve out three-quarters of their year trekking across the globe melting faces,...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include the last new recordings of a great band, some splendid newer acts, bird puns, and more!