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Funeral Doom Friday

One of France's finest Funeral Doom bands is responsible for one of the genre's darkest albums.

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Do a good thing and buy a ridiculous guitar signed by Wylde.


Nothing too complicated in here – just brutally crushing music.


Six years and totally worth the wait.


It's... beautiful. Also, it's heavy as fuck at points!

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some legends, game-changing tech death, Uncle Al's latest non-Ministry thing, and more! To the metals...

Full Album Stream

Well, the original version of Dusk.. And Her Embrace, which nobody has ever heard.

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The new Slipknot drummer opens up in the most revealing interview yet.


We also have an album title! No release date yet though.

Music Videos

We're excited to premiere the title track from Abnormality's sophomore album. Directed by Jim Foster for Red13Media Inc, the video follows around some paranoid...

Full Album Stream

From the warped minds of Sikth guitarist Pin, and shreddy fingers Leah Woodward, comes Derangeable! The new album from Aliases will drop in stores...

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Le Bataclan – down, but absolutely not out.

Song Premiere

There must be something in that brännvin those Swedes drink, because it's become a rule of thumb that most metal bands hailing from Sweden are generally...

Upcoming Releases

New Revocation is going to be really fast, apparently.


Of all the brands to enter the metal sphere…

Fuck Yes!

How many bands can Troy be in?


Don't be shitty to your fans. They're the ones paying your bills.

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Frankie Palmeri is currently the only known member of the band.