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Around the Interwebs

You don't know nearly as much as you think you do.


“But what about Punk Rock?” Punk and metal have always had a weird, sometimes difficult relationship. In a way this is strange, as the...

Weekly Injection

The writer of the WEEKLY INJECTION has been kidnapped! Oh wait, no he hasn't, JK. Now you care about my posts right? Anywhoozle, This...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Jimmy Brown who had the best zinger: "This hat makes slash play better, maybe it can...


It’s nothing new to mash up grindcore, death metal, d-beat, and thrash. After all, it’s a smorgasbord of many of the best genres metal...

Weekly Injection

This edition include the two pirate bands you can name, some of the heaviest shit I've ever heard, cult legends, stuff you'll hate me...

Live Footage

We're uploading any and all available full sets from this weekend's Wacken Festival. Check 'em all out here Set list: 00:11 1985/Buried Dreams 04:05...


Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Wolvhammer made waves back in 2011 with crusty black metal gem The Obsidian Plains, cementing them as rising shadows in the...


Periphery has been teasing their upcoming record Juggernaut for a little bit now, most recently with studio updates from the recording process. While the...

Tour Dates

Cloud Rat are touring the East Coast in September, and you're a poser if you miss out.

Tour Dates

The Contortionist are going to be busy this fall. Besides hitting the road with Periphery, the band have announced a string of headlining dates...

Tour Dates

Twilight of the Gods, Serpentine Path and more have also been announced.


Oh, it's gooood!

Music Videos

Enabler's first official music video is here!

Weekly Injection

This edition of THE WEEKLY INJECTION includes some shit you probably hate, OG speed metal guys, a musical palindrome, and more! To the metals…

Bummer Alert

The Ramones were certainly not metal, but you're a fool if you deny that these four punks had a lot of influence on all...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to TacoGrinder who had the best zinger: “The shot came from the grassy mole.” Now for this...


Are you feeling lucky, punk? You should be.

Metal In The Mainstream

In case you haven't figured it out yet, we're really big Game of Thrones fans here at Metal Injection. We've highlighted metal versions of...