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Orbit Culture

Mashups & Covers

ORBIT CULTURE Drops Metal Version Of The Halloween Theme Music And It's A Slasher

No pun intended. Ok, maybe a little bit.

I want everyone to take a moment right now to think about what Halloween would be like without a sick metal cover of the Halloween theme music. It would be shit—that's what it would be like! And this considered, we gladly present the previously-teased sick metal cover of John Carpenter's classic overture, with hopes of lifting us all over the trenches of a potentially ghastly weekend filled with useless abandon, and guilt over poor costume choices—like my decision to be The Cure's Robert Smith for Halloween '92 in a town that was definitely not ready for that much eyeliner on a dude.

The remake was done by the Swedish metal act Orbit Culture, who you may have seen out on tour supporting fellow countrymen In Flames. Orbit Culture formed in 2013, and have released three studio albums: In Medias Res (2014), Rasen (2016), and Nija (2020). The group has a new EP coming in 2023.

I don't know about anyone else, but I get major Fear Factory vibes from this ("Suffer, Jamie Lee!") It's industrial, but not too industrial, and it doesn't try to be cute by playing the iconic main riff on some bizarre instrument, or turn it into a milquetoast shredder stand-alone piece. Instead, the familiar piano loop looms front and center while the music builds with death metal power and pace around it.

By the way, speaking of Halloween, did you read our recent interview with John Carpenter? If not, you need to get on that right now, right here. He's a big Metallica fan, and he loves the piledriving riff work of…… the Rolling Stones? Hey man, never question a genius, is what I've learned through the years. Be sure to make your Halloween an enlightened one by reading more of our chat with John Carpenter today!

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