We are living in the golden age of animated videos. The latest is from Moloken, a Swedish band who fuse black metal with 70s prog and hardcore. With dark imagery and unique visuals, the band captures the imagination with the video for their new single, 'Unbearable'. The jazz weirdness that defines the track also speaks to just how distinct Moloken are.
I can assure you that this madness only hints at what the band get at in their masterful upcoming full length, Unveilance Of Dark Matter. 'Unbearable' is a track that defies expectations. It routinely proves that Moloken know exactly how they are going to blow your mind. It's a dark song too, reflected in a video that is psychedelic and over the top. The grasping hands in the video and overarching sense of despair force questions about the human condition.
The band had this to say:
To see someone fall deep and struggle without getting a grip on life right in front of you. That is unbearable, but this was not my battle. To fall and surrender is the only way to rise as a human. This video embodies the song perfectly, the close distance, the frustration, helplessness and process of emotions that erupts in the end with climax. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."