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LÜGER Tells The Tale Of A Cult Leader Drug Wizard On New Single "Black Acid"

It feels like an old Adolescents song.

Montreal-based heshers Lüger will melt your mind into thick sludge with their new single "Black Acid." Equal parts old-school heavy metal and influence from what sounds like early Adolescents, "Black Acid" is nothing short of a dangerously good time.

"This song is a bizarre autobiographical tale of a cult leader/drug wizard corrupting youth and turning his young followers into blood craving zombies with a brand new recipe of his called 'The Black Acid," said Lüger of the single. "While the magic dope spreads in the streets, the warlock sees his power and influence grow as he's seeking world domination."

Revelations Of The Sacred Skull is out February 10. Pre-orders are available here.

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