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RIP a Livecast

RIP a Livecast #220 – DUDECAST

We begin the show talking about Lemmy's recent health scare and his cocoa puffs. We then discussed this famous scene in Decline of Western Civilization Part II with Chris Holmes. This somehow morphed into a convo about Kanye's sex life. Noa, who was not in studio, called in to give us an update from her Summer Slaughter vacation. Rob played his interview with Frankie from Emmure for Sid and Darren and gave some director commentary. In the second hour, we discussed a few terrible songs that came out this week and ended the show hating on Steve Harvey. Here is this week's playlist:

The Ocean – Bathyalpelagic II: The Wish in Dreams
Revocation – Fracked
AEON – Aeons Black
Strapping Young Lad – Far Beyond Metal
S.O.D. – Freddy Krueger

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