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Search results for "morbid"


Morbid Angel just wrapped up touring on the 20th anniversary of their seminal album Covenant. One noticably missing ingredient was longtime drummer Pete Sandoval. In...


David Vincent and company were in New York City earlier this week, and Metal Injection photographer Rodrigo Fredes was in attendance capturing the action....

RIP a Livecast

David Vincent of Morbid Angel called into the show this week, discussing the 20th anniversary of the band's landmark CD, Covenant, playing to younger...


Grave dropped their debut album Into the Grave in 1991 and have been killing it ever since, most recently on their Morbid Ascent EP....


Grave have been at the death metal game since 1986 (back when they were Corpse) and people are still paying attention, which only means...

Latest News

Members of Morbid Angel, In Flames, and Hardcore Superstar have united to form Nero 5468, which is a very confusing band name that I...

Tour Dates

Morbid Angel kinda took a step back as far as many longtime fans are concerned with the release of their latest album, Illud Divinum Insanus in 2011,...

Music Videos

The video was conceptualized by Morbid Angel and video director Thomas Mignone (Slipknot, Mudvayne, Avenged Sevenfold) and produced through his production company DOOM Incorporated....


You often hear musicians talk about the importance of practicing an instrument, but it's not something you get to see them do regularly. I...


We just updated our photo gallery with two stellar new galleries. First up, a gallery of guitar legend Steve Vai rocking LA. We also...

Tour Dates

Hmm, for some reason Morbid Angel has yet to do a proper North American run ever since releasing their parody of an album, llud...

Upcoming Releases

Before there was Loutallica's Lulu, the reigning punching bad of this site was the terrible new Morbid Angel album, Illud Divinum Insanus. Ugh, it...

Show Recap

Metal Injection sent intrepid writer/photographer  Aline Miladinovich to the 2nd annual Bloodstock UK fest. The lineup featured the likes of Motorhead, Morbid Angel, Immortal, WASP,...


When it comes to the David Vincent era of Morbid Angel, there’s really no debate; the band was at the top of their game....


Good morning junkies! We've showed you the Hitler meme before, but this may be the best use of it in regards to metal. Over...


It's Wednesday, and there is a ton of new metal out in the wild wild webs, so we thought we'd provide a service for...

Latest News

Who wants to hear some new Morbid Angel? A new song entitled ExistoVulgore has been released from their upcoming album Illud Divinum Insanus, which I...


Tim Yeung, the current fill-in drummer for Morbid Angel played a drum clinic recently, and one of the songs he played was a new...

Latest News

Extreme metal drummer Tim Yeung has been recruited by death metal titans MORBID ANGEL to play on their latest album due to current drummer...

Latest News

By: Navjot Kaur Sobti From Altars of Madness to Heretic, if one thing is clear, it’s that Floridian death metal godfathers Morbid Angel have...

Latest News

Move over, Nile; there's a new bunch of Egypt-lovin' death metal musicians in town. New York City-based, Egyptian-born artist Nader Sadek will be presenting...

Back in the Day

In 199,5 Florida-based death metal legends Morbid Angel, celebrated the release of their 4th (letter D) studio album "Domination" to a world of criticism....