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Search results for "FACELESS"

Breakups & Shakeups

Last week, we were collectively bummed with drummer Lyle Cooper announced he's quitting The Faceless due to managerial and creative differences. During the band's...

Around the Interwebs

Yesterday we brought you news concerning the departure of long time drummer Lyle Cooper from The Faceless. Today we present you with a new...

Breakups & Shakeups

The Faceless just completed a tour of Mexico, and the fine sleuths over at MetalSucks noticed that The HAARP Machine's Alex Rudinger was drumming...

Tour Dates

Whoa! We're about to post three tour announcements, and this is by far, the one I'm most excited about. Cradle Of Filth have announced...


There's a ton of new jams in today's A/V Roundup. First, a video teaser from The Faceless, video of Gojira's Duplatiner brothers switching instruments,...

Tour Dates

The Faceless have just announced their first headlining tour since releasing their stellar new album, Autotheism. And, they are bringing some heavy hitters with...

Fuck Yes!

I am not sure about the rest of you, but I often times find myself wondering just how awesome it would be to attend...

Latest News

We are so excited to premiere this new track from a new band called Climaxes. The group features Evan Brewer on bass, a guy...


The Faceless' Michael Keene seems to like having a lot on his plate. Recently, he was interviewed by radio station KSSU and he gave...

Latest News

Remember when we told you that Sexy Sax Guy is metal as fuck? One of the biggest memes of last year clearly caught the...


If you've been listening to SiriusXM Liquid Metal, you've already heard the new track from The Faceless called "Deconsecrate." That's the only place you...


It's almost finally here! It's been four years since we've heard new music from The Faceless and yet it feels like an eternity. Thankfully,...

Upcoming Releases

Yes, yes, yes! Put the debating to rest, The Faceless have finally completed their new album. What do we know so far? Well, last...


It's almost finally here! The Faceless haven't put out an album in four years, and people are waiting. Impatiently waiting! Guitarist/producer Michael Keene has...

Upcoming Releases

It almost feels like it's been forever since the last release from The Faceless, but summer is coming and we've been promised a new...


The Faceless's upcoming release has almost reached Necrophagist-levels of mythos. People have even come up to me asking if I knew when it would...


We're in (not so) sunny LA for the Golden Gods Awards, so we've been a little behind on all the new music and video...

Latest News

Well, this is a bummer. Over the weekend, founding guitarist Michael Keene announced that Steve Jones, the other guitarist in the band, has officially...

Tour Dates

As promised, every Sunday, the organizers of Summer Slaughter will be revealing another band on the tour. Last week, Cannibal Corpse and Between The...

Upcoming Releases

You may recall that we told you a few months back of a new project which features Sacha Dunable of Intronaut and Graviton, Derek...

Tour Dates

Well, this is quite the tour announcement. In the last few months, The Faceless have been hinting at 2012 touring with Devildriver, Job For...

Upcoming Releases

Talk about a meeting of power players! Michael Keene, primarily known as the guitarist behind The Faceless, recently tweeted "Just finished recording a guest...

Upcoming Releases

We knew The Faceless were back to work on their new record after guitarist/producer Michael Keene recovered from his hand injury, but the question...