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Search results for "approach"


Haken had no need to prove anything on this record. Their past few releases have been nothing less than monumental. I can't confidently claim...


False Highs, True Lows is carnivorous and frothing, teeming with black metal and metallic hardcore influences that leaves almost no room to breathe.

The Obituarist

Hear new music from underground death metal bands like Xenomorphic Contamination, Inbreeding Sick, Megascavenger, Nucleus, Zhrine


Straight to the point, no bullshit, no frills, no filler, nothing but solid brass knuckles track by track.


In 2014, the band's release of Up In Hell showed promise consisting of a slight nü metal and hardcore fusion. Two years later, Incite...


Howls Of Ebb are expanding what black metal can be, the real question is can you hold on for the whole journey?


"I’m a musician, not a fighter, especially in Russia."


BoneHawk are very close to being the real deal, they just miss a bit too frequently for this album to come off as anything...


Siren is a different beast than what you'd expect from a band that was in hibernation for the last five years.


There are many solos incorporated throughout, they are nimble, decisive and carry a proficient charm to them.

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Alcest is working on some "alien," or so they say.

Weekly Injection

This edition (written through purple tears) includes a death metal assault, some interesting ambiance, some weird shit and more! to the metals…


This EP comes as a welcome stopgap, proving Tombs are still capable of topping themselves as well as most similar acts toiling in their...

Show Recap

There were rumors that New England Metal and Hardcore Fest wasn't going to happen this year. With some changes in management and the murmurs...

Around the Interwebs

You needed an entire study for this??


Allegedly it was over a woman?


Regarding the legacy of the band, I view Deftones as divided into two entities, segmented by the passing of Chi. Adrenaline through Saturday Night...

Upcoming Releases

New Tool in 2016? 2017? Our lifetime?


In a lot of ways it’s not what you’d expect. And that’s what makes it great.

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Down might be down, but not down and out, according to Pepper Keenan.