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Search results for "Burning"

Tour Dates

Featuring Vile Creature, Unearth, Within The Ruins, Stabbing, and more!


"If this album is a sign of things to come, then High On Fire aren't getting old. They've just become legends."

Upcoming Releases

The good news is that Deftones is completely done with their new record musically! The other good (but slow-burning) news is that Deftones vocalist...


"If you're looking to grab a drink, gather some mates, and have a good time - consider putting on Rankarumpu as your gathering music."


"Their work with Dis Fig shows their innate ability to create beauty from ugliness, and how easily they can transcend metal and plant their...

Tour Dates

Plus Atreyu, Unearth, Fugitive, Portrayal Of Guilt, and more!

Tour Dates

"We're setting up designated zones for both moshers and non-moshers, ensuring everyone can still enjoy the show up close."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Boris/Coalar of the Deepers, Brodequin, Sylvaine, and Hideous Divinity.

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"The title meant one thing but the lyrics meant another."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Zakk Sabbath, Firewind, New Years Day, and Volcandra.