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Sick Art

TRIPTYKON is of course the new project from HELLHAMMER/CELTIC FROST vocalist and guitarist Tom Gabriel Warrior. This project is clearly a big deal and...


Now I'm not going to say I'm an expert at being drunk. The last Livecast proved I can't really handle shots in double digits....


It's going down. The finals have been picked for the No Label Needed contest and now it's your turn to vote for your favorite....

Free Swag

Oh shit! On the heels of our Scream For Mudvayne contest, we are doing it again. We are teaming up with ESP Guitars, Affliction...

Free Swag

We're teaming up with MUDVAYNE to give their fans one killer contest! To celebrate the release of their fifth studio album, Mudvayne is looking...

Tour Dates

ShareFUCK YES!!! It's official. As has been previously speculated, MEGADETH and SLAYER are teaming up for a slew of American dates and they are...

Upcoming Releases

by: James Greene Jr. Get ready for more AC/DC than you can shake your wang at. On November 10, everyone's favorite Aussie rock institution...

Revelations of Doom

It's that time again. Revelations of Doom, Grim Kim's ongoing homage to the raw, the mean, and the devilishly dirty corners of the extreme...

Tour Diary

Coalesce recently embarked on their first European trek ever, so we asked them to document the journey in the form of a few tour...

Upcoming Releases

A few weeks ago, we prematurely reported that SLAYER's upcoming CD would come out early this month. While the band is still on track...

Bands and Booze

I am impressed! Mastodon clearly have a large fanbase. One German fan, Stephan Michel happens to work at a brewery, Mahr’s Bräu to be...

Tour Dates

SLIPKNOT – Sulfur SLIPKNOT are going out for a short 2-week run and they are taking thrash legends ANTHRAX and new-school thrashers THE BLACK...

Tour Dates

So far this year THE FACELESS have toured with CYNIC, MESHUGGAH, CANNIBAL CORPSE, and LAMB OF GOD, so it makes sense that they find...

Latest News

Former NINE INCH NAILS (and a shit ton of other bands) drummer Josh Freese has a new solo record titled Since 1972 coming out....

Latest News

On the official PSYOPUS message board, during a thread about the band's new album, Odd Senses leaking, Chris Arp chimed in with some very...

Upcoming Releases

I got an awesome press release in my mail box this morning. No sense in rewording it: ISIS, the Los Angeles by way of...

Latest News

Looks like SLIPKNOT frontman Corey Taylor is not content being in two bands (STONE SOUR being the other of course). Taylor said in a...


If you're cooped inside tonight, tune to UK's BBC Radio 1 to hear the recent in-studio performance by Philadelphia's unpredictable electroprogcore scientists in GENGHIS...

Upcoming Releases

Emperor live at BB King's, NYC Between increasingly sporadic reunion shows and Ihsahn's thriving solo career, you may never get another chance to see...


BEHEMOTH posted a new song, Quadosh, on their MySpace page. The song starts like something off of SLAYER's Seasons in the Abyss and then...


SPYLACOPA began as an obscure ambient-electronic side-project for Brooklyn-based CANDIRIA guitarist John LaMaccia, but after accruing a band of notables – namely Greg Puciato...

In the News

Fans of Sam Dunn and Scott McFadyen's 2005 documentary Metal: A Headbanger's Journey rejoice: The duo's follow-up, Global Metal, is scheduled for DVD release...

Video Games

Guitar Hero just totally upped the ante. We knew there would be a music studio in the game where you could create your own...