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Congratulations! If you are reading this, you survived this weekend's Supermoon invasion. It was a little touch-and-go, as we all know, and those we...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Garrett Miranda who had the best zinger: kerry needs some bro time because his wife was...

Upcoming Releases

Fleshgod Apocalypse plan on releasing another sonic assault on us all come the next few months. Are you ready for that kind of orchestral madness?

Latest News

Full disclosure: Eyal Levi, who you may know from his work with Daath, is one of the realest motherfuckers I've ever met in the...


He's not just going to give it to you though. You have to sign up for his mailing list. But thankfully, somebody did just...


Masters of everything progressive Last Chance to Reason will be releasing their new record in the coming months! Details after the jump!


Huntress are coming out with their Starbound Beast record on July 2 and wanted you to know what that sorta thing sounds like.

Upcoming Releases

I've already told you that Mouth of the Architect's newest album Dawning is pretty cool, but here's another single to tide you over!


Amon Amarth's album Deciever Of The Gods comes out this Tuesday. We've heard the title track, as well as "Shape Shifter," both winners as far...

Guessing Game

If you want to know the answer to last time's Guessing Game click here. We're back for another round!

Upcoming Releases

Guitarist Mike Scaccia might have passed on in late 2012, but not without leaving the world with one more kickass Ministry record!


Thrash metal is supposed to be full of politically-charged lyrics, ridiculous guitar work that requires the listener to pay attention at all times, guitar...

Injection Reflection

There was a lot of silliness this week as highlighted by our most visited pages of the week. Don't forget to check out our...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Dallas Stelzriede who had the best zinger: Listen to the sick tone of this urinal guys....


Return To Annihilation is Locrian's most accessible album, although "accessible" is a subjective word. Considering how challenging much of the Chicago trio's back catalog...


D.R.I. hasn't reared their heads on record since 1995's Full Speed Ahead, a duration which vastly exceeds the length of the band's recorded history to...

Tour Dates

Between the Buried and Me have announced a tour that's about to make so many prog nerds fill their pants with shit. Who's ready?

Latest News

Norma Jean has released some pretty… interesting teasers for their upcoming record, but now we know the real stuff. The jokes are actually included.


Coffins are back after five years worth of waiting! You'd know that if you checked out our announcement a month ago, but I forgive...


Children of Bodom have never taken themselves all that seriously. For a band that is probably known to more random Youtubers for their novelty cover...

Guessing Game

If you want to know the answer to last time's Guessing Game click here. We're back for another round!

Tour Dates

Do you like going to rock shows? Do you like getting wasted at said rock shows? Well then The Sword are about to become...


Holy hell, you guys! The metal gods heard my complaining last week. I made the mistake of bitching about not enough notable releases, and...