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Search results for "massacre"

New Music

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


Like, The End Of Heartache-esque metalcore.


Along with the two volumes of Metal for Muthas, the Metal Massacre series loom large over the history of heavy metal in the 1980's....

Music Videos

California's Westfield Massacre is on a mission to catch you with their hooks! "Build Your Thrones" is the title track off the band's upcoming...


We’re super excited to bring you another exclusive track premiere from California shredders Westfield Massacre! The track is called “Respect Resistance” and if you’re...


So this is what Tommy Vext and Tim Yeung were up to.

Music Videos

Here's a new track from Rings of Saturn's third full length album, Lugal Ki En out on October 14th via Unique Leader Records. Pre-order...


Well holy crap! There's a rumor flying around that there very well could be a tour featuring the Death tribute band Death to All, Obituary,...


Death metal, as a genre, hasn’t made too many leaps since its birth into the field. But like the old saying goes, “if it...

Tour Dates

Beneath the Massacre are all set to tour North America (and a little Canada) this October! Come in for all the details!

Latest News

Varg Vikernes is more famous for his murders than his music. While Burzum gained much noterity, it was his church burnings and 1993 murder...


I did not even realize that Montreal death metal masters Beneath The Massacre were finished recording a new album, and it's release is right...

Tour Dates

Tours are being announced left and right for 2012. I'm not done with 2011 yet! This one is for all of our European readers:...


I leave for one day to go out to Mayhem Fest and come back to a sea of new available music. There is so...

Upcoming Releases

A few months ago we brought you an exclusive studio update from Beneath the Massacre. The band was recording and the process has been...