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Around the Interwebs

Get it? Because of the popular Slayer song, "Piece By Piece"

Weekly Injection

Oh man. This week has so much good shit. Too much really. I just didn't have enough time, will, or stamina to talk about...


When you’re dealing with a band that’s basically as untouchable as Cannibal Corpse, the fanbase already knows what they’re getting into. And in this...


All The Bands That's Fit To Headbang

Fuck Yes!

"I really don't want this stuff corrupting my boyfriend and making him change from the loving, positive person he is"

Bummer Alert

This is a tough but necessary read.


No, literally… that's what it's called.


Where certain oft-criticized bands that changed their sound drastically long ago continue to exercise the fruits of that early fan betrayal on album after...


In 2007, a chill cold rain fell upon the southern city, spawning the growth of Bastard Sapling, a musical collective whose stark, blasting take...


If your band is going to experiment with a particular sound, to see where it can go and to what lengths it can be...

10 Year Anniversary

Thanks to Periphery guitarist Jake Bowen for taking the time to wish us a happy 10th.

Weekly Injection

Hey you butts! Here's some new metal! This edition includes some Swedish stuff, some stuff from the Pacific Northwest and more! To the metals...

RIP a Livecast

We kicked off this week's episode talking about the lovely Joan Rivers. We transitioned into fast food talk, 9/11 conspiracies, ISIS the band, and...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Joshua Rigutto who had the best zinger: "This is Nate force one. I have finally taken...

10 Year Anniversary

Recently, Alex from Despised Icon and Kevin from Ion Dissonance took some time to wish us a happy 10th. Thanks guys!


Of course there is fellatio involved.

Shocking Revelations

She claims was warned about 9/11 via voicemail before the towers were hit?!

Weekly Injection

Greetings from the past dear readers. During the time that I'd normally be getting drunk and writing this weekly forum for your hatred, I'll...


In spite of a long, logical progression toward a distilled all-prog sound, 2011's Heritage failed to benefit from the nearly unanimous acclaim Opeth had...

Metal Crimes

Keep it in your pants, pedo!