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Search results for "light"


Unsacred has managed to focus their sound from their previous albums and target a mood that can't be ignored. This undeniable direction makes False...

Live Footage

Metallica will be "sitting in" on CBS' The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson all week, and they kicked off their residency last night with...


They didn't want to name the album "Dim."

Breakups & Shakeups

Band members quitting left and right!

Live Footage

Check out Pit Full of Shit, video by Frank Huang

If you dig bands like Neurosis, Isis the band or Red Sparrows, this is totally up your alley. Check out Beak's haunting new video...


2014 has been great to power metal fans so far. Edguy, Freedom Call, Iron Savior, Sonata Arctica, Gamma Ray, and Sabaton have all released...

Music Videos

At this point, it's hard to even label this Devin Townsend project as metal, but it's so damn pretty. Here is what Devy has...


…and more 30th anniversary "Ride the Lightning" links

Live Footage

Psyopus did a rare east-coast tour and Metal Injection was at the NYC stop and captured two songs live.

Latest News

I love that bands are more open to Reddit AMAs and Mastodon drummer Brann Dailor had a great Reddit AMA recently. Here are some...


One of them is super heavy and the other one is super crazy. You don't lose here.

Live Footage

Check out Pit Full of Shit, video by Frank Huang


A profoundly weird display of blackened noise. Weird, off-putting and almost stark in its eschewing of song-structure, any evaluation of Twilight's III: Beneath Trident's...

Weekly Injection

This week's WEEKLY INJECTION includes the nail in the coffin of a black metal supergroup, everyone's favorite Greek git-fiddler, a great band named after...


Sucks this is their last record though.


If you've been following Demon Hunter for even any part of their career, this song will not be a surprise to you. It's a...

Breakups & Shakeups

Twilight, the black metal supergroup featuring troubled Nachtmystium frontman Blake Judd, his bandmate Sanford Parker, Wrest of Leviathan, and Sonic Youth's Thurston Moore are...

br00tal Comedy

Who knew Christmas and metal worked so well together?

Decibel's Extremely Extreme Podcast

Prolific USBM artist Neill Jameson sits down with Albert and Andrew to discuss Krieg’s inclusion in the Top 100 Black Metal Albums of All...