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Frank's Favorite Drumers

Being a drummer myself, I'd have to admit I tend to hone in on his business more so than the rest of the band....


CAIN'S OFFERING – Dawn of Solace POWER QUEST – Cemetery Gates BLOODBOUND – Take One [for @msrcast] EDGUY – Babylon (live) HAMMERFALL – Something...

Quick Bits

The stoner tour of the year is coming to your town very soon. DOWN and THE MELVINS, two iconic bands are touring together for...


On this edition of the RIP a Livecast, we pay homage to some of the famous celebrities that have moved on to a different...


Note from Editor: Blackened Fest is no more. Cephalic Carnage, Cattle Decapitation and Withered have dropped off. Mayhem will now complete the rest of...

Back in the Day

Unless you spent the past quarter century living in Michael Jackson's closet, chances are you've heard and/or seen the spectacle that is Mr. King...

Metal Up Your Ass

Concerned you're not up to the minute with your favorite bands' tour dates, special appearances, doc trailers and latest rumors? Don't worry. I got...

Metal Up Your Ass

Ever wonder what it would be like if one of your metal heroes made it to the cover of People magazine (think of paparazzi...


Weeks after we sent Metal Misha and Sinister Sasha a new webcam to shoot episodes of their glorious series, the Moscow Metal Minute, they...

Back in the Day

For every band that carries on past their prime years to the point of self-parody, there's a barely noticeable, ultra-rare breed who split up...

Around the Interwebs

The fine people at Decibel Magazine have gone Photoshop crazy, recently posting a blog asking: What if metal bands were beers? Comedy ensues. Head...


Cynic – Evolutionary Sleeper Edguy – Ministry Of Saints Daylight Dies – A Portrait In White Bloodbath – Hades Rising Opeth – Heir Apparent...


OK, so it was colder than KING DIAMOND's heart, running over an hour late (thanks to Red Bull's disastrously-planned free snowboarding event, which emitted...

Go See This Fucking Band

So much about METALLICA is deeply ingrained into our consciousness that amidst all the CDs, documentaries, merch, hype, missteps, tributes, parodies, media, video games...

Tour Dates

In the kind of tour that some prog-metal kids would sacrifice their signed JOHN PETRUCCI guitar pics for, OPETH and ENSLAVED are spending May...

Video Games

I have to be honest. I haven't picked up Guitar Hero or Rock Band in months. The only time I even think of dusting...

Latest News

SOILWORK recently conducted a poll to determine the setlist for their North American tour, and they've posted the results online. A message from the...

Tour Dates

Too bad ROB ZOMBIE already lay claim to "Hellbilly Deluxe," because there may be no better way to describe the forthcoming tour uniting DOWN...

Latest News

Yes, it's that time again. Time for the 76th annual Metal Injection Videos of the Year celebration. While all the other sites feel the...


The thrash masters in KREATOR have been working on their new album for many months, and today they have posted the first music to...


A few years ago, Virginia thrashers MUNICIPAL WASTE released a song called I Want To Kill The President. That song was about George W....

Back in the Day

At first listen, it's hard to justify why Body Count's self-titled debut is so enjoyable. There are plenty of better punk, hard rock and...

Tour Dates

EVERY TIME I DIE are some of the funniest mother fuckers I've ever had the pleasure of interviewing (click here to watch me get...