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Search results for "aftershock"

Tour Dates

Goatwhore are coming for your goats, and your whores.

Tour Dates

Wage War and Sanction will also be there.

Latest News

J-D wants to make sure people hear his solo stuff.

Tour Dates

Plus Pyrexia, AngelMaker and Within Destruction too.

New Music

Everything you need to know about the new Alice In Chains album.

Upcoming Releases

Or Slash Featuring Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators, the worst band name ever.

Bummer Alert

When hearing the new Scars of Broadway single from guitarist  Daron Malakian, we couldn't help but notice how much it sounded like a System...

Bummer Alert

At least System of A Down have some live dates scheduled this year.

New Music

Alice In Chains deliver a catchy hard rock song.

Upcoming Releases

Does this make the prospect of new System of a Down music even more impossible?

Injection Reflection

This week belonged to Ghost and to too much wrestling. Here's what you missed this week. Listen: GHOST Premiere New Song "Rats!" On The...


We're pretty sure we're onto System of A Down's latest tease.


Rivers of Nihil's Adam Biggs talks pushing metal boundaries, the bleakness of existence and being inspired by Bowie's Lazarus on their new album Where...

Tour Dates

It's called the Tune Low Die Slow tour.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes bands ending length album gaps, stuff to thrash to, stuff to get high to (although, once would likely get high to...

Weekly Injection

This editions features several long-awaited returns, gore, politics, and more! To the metals...

Upcoming Releases

What is "The Doomed?"