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Tour Dates

Some people apparently just can't deal with Satan, as the owners of The Brewmaster's Gate in Columbus, Ohio banned Behemoth, Watain, The Devil's Blood,...

Open Metacast

Open Metalcast, the best of Creative Commons Licensed Metal Music is now a part of Metal Injection! This episode is a brief recap, and highlights the...


We've been a fan of Sleep Terror, and it's mastermind, Luke Jaeger for quite a while now. We booked the band's only New York...

Show Recap

Click here for over 200 photos from Inferno Festival! This being my first trip ever to Switzerland, coupled with the awesome task of covering...

Tour Dates

Remember last year when Kurt Ballou teased us saying that Old Man Gloom was recording a new record? Then, turns out they weren't. Then,...

Injection Reflection

Next week is SXSW and things are about to get crazy. Frank has already left for a pre-SXSW tour with his band Meek Is...


Beyond Black Sabbath, traditional doom puts me to sleep. My interest in the bleak arts is only piqued by the extraordinary; Pallbearer are precisely...

Black Metal History

Well, February is over with and thus concludes another awesome round of Black Metal History Month. If you missed any of the awesomeness, here...

Latest News

On the heels of yesterday's announcement that Peter Dolving is out of the band, today, Swedish melodeath giants The Haunted issued a statement saying...


It's that time of year again: throngs of long haired metal devotees will soon descend upon the bewildered city of Austin – we really...

Black Metal History

We're big fans of Sergeant D and his blog Stuff You Will Hate, so we asked him to contribute to our Black Metal History...


“All they have is just ‘bow-nuh, bow-duh-da-dow, we-dunna-weow-nee-nuh’” Just from hearing such a sample in “Punisher”, you immediately know that Veil of Maya aren’t...

Injection Reflection

This was a fun week in metal… we laughed, we cried, we watched Dave Mustaine further and further alienate his entire fanbase. Pretty much...

Latest News

Some junkies have emailed us abouta story that popped up on the website The Metal Den a few days ago. The writers of the...

Metal Merch

Last week, I asked Slayer to cut it out with the shitty merchandise, but looks like that fell on deaf ears. Today, a ring...

Injection Reflection

What a busy week in heavy metal this has between. Between all the new music this week, the crazy Black Sabbath news, and all...

Tour Dates

I don't know about you guys, but this year's Memorial Day Weekend (March 25-27) will rule for me. One reason: Rocklahoma. Organizers have announced...

Upcoming Releases

When they're not busy selling terrible merchandise, Slayer is actually writing a new album right now. A few weeks ago they had three songs...


Things are heating up with this Black Sabbath drama. To quickly recap, drummer Bill Ward released a public statement saying he could not commit...

Latest News

We already knew Killswitch Engage have gotten back together with original vocalist Jesse Leach after the band posted a new promo photo with their...

Upcoming Releases

Devin Townsend is a beast! The man does not stop working. He released two albums last year and currently has no less than THREE...

Bummer Alert

What…the…fuck…is going on…with Black Sabbath? Yesterday, drummer Bill Ward took to the internet to state he is not pleased with how negotiations are going...

Latest News

Lamb Of God's Resolution charted at number 3 on the Billboard charts this week, with a whopping 52,000 copies sold in the United States...