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Phil Anselmo's upcoming solo album is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated releases of the year, and the new single release,...


A new album from The Black Dalia Murder is only two weeks away, which is the perfect timing for another new track off the...

At The Movies

After all the speculation, and 20 million dollars later, we know have our first good look at Metallica's upcoming "3D event," their concert film,...


When I got a press release in my inbox announcing a new band from the frontman of Refused, Dennis Lyxzén, I was excited to...


We're just a few weeks away from the release of The Black Dahlia Murder's new album, Everblack and with anticipation gaining, the band released...


Black Sabbath's new album is less than one month away from release, and so far we've only heard one track from the studio. Sure,...

Latest News

It's been one week since the tragic loss of Slayer guitarist, Jeff Hanneman, who passed away due to liver failure. It was assumed that...

Bummer Alert

The metal world is still shocked about the news that broke yesterday that Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman of Slayer passed away due to liver...

Weekly Injection

Kind of a ho-hum week… a few notable releases but mostly crate digging. Next week is the fucking jam, though, so don't get too...

Latest News

In a tragic turn of events, bassist Sławomir "Mortifer" Kusterka of the group Hate has passed away.

Latest News

Rings of Saturn won the voting contest to be the opener for the Summer Slaughter tour out of a pretty wide array of choices.

br00tal Comedy

Make sure the captions are on! You must watch this video of a really excited Russian fan of Megadeth meeting Dave Mustaine and gets...

Fuck Yes!

When you create something this fucking awesome, you have to give yourself some time to prepare. That is why details have been announced seven...

Latest News

We might not know who is playing Summer Slaughter this year, although we have some ideas, but now YOU can decide who opens the...


Gojira drummer Mario Duplantier might be located all the way in the back of the stage when his band is performing, but for me,...

Fuck Yes!

Rex Brown's memoir, Official Truth, 101 Proof: The Inside Story of Pantera, is set for release on March 12 via Da Capo Press. Nothing...

Music Videos

The Faceless have unveiled their first music video ever. Directed by Ramon Boutviset, off their latest release Autothiest. Buy the album on Amazon.com. What do you...

Tour Dates

I can't remember the last time Bolt Thrower decided to tour the States. Because it hasn't happened in like…a million years! But, as a...


Remember Sockweb? We posted about the father/daughter grind duo a few weeks ago, and they melted blackened hearts everywhere, with their song about pancakes....

Music Videos

Charred Walls of the Damned is a new metal band founded by Richard Christy (drums) and features guitarist Jason Suecof (member of Capharnaum; producer/mixer...

Tour Dates

When the New England Metal and Hardcore Fest announced their initial lineup a few weeks ago, it was already unfuckwithable. Anthrax (playing Among The...


In one week's time, Hatebreed will be releasing their new album, Divinity of Purpose on Razor and Tie Records. To help remind you of...


I was a big fan of Rotten Sound's 2011 LP, Cursed, so I approached this new EP with high expectations, all of which were...