Max Volume Silence Live
Check out Pit Full of Shit, video by Frank Huang
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Check out Pit Full of Shit, video by Frank Huang
Check out Pit Full of Shit, video by Frank Huang
Hello me, meet the real me. President me.
Mini Guns N' Roses for your house and desk!
There goes the neighborhood...
The Serenity Of Suffering was almost on 8 string guitars.
This week focuses on supportive parents.
This Poland outfit displays a mature form rarely found in a genre where cliché effects, repetitive rhythms, and adopted vocals are manifested at a...
Ouch. Partially because of needles, partially because these are really awful.
A new System of a Down album is actually happening in 2017.
It's really low-tuned technical metal, but it's not djent.
All you need to do is pre-order The Duke, buy a guitar, or other Lamb of God merch!
"I would have had an ally that was very against it all – the reinvention or the U2 version of Metallica.”
A whopping 4+ minutes minutes of grind!
We love Steve'N'Seagulls and their excellent work taking famous rock songs and giving them a folk cover and they hit it out of the...
We know exactly what Corey Taylor thinks…
Groovy melo-death from Gothenburg!
We recorded this episode as the polls were closing, so we talked about our experiences voting and that led to stories of experiences with...