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Phil Labonte Gay Married The NRA And Had An Abortion.

That is my best attempt and a headline that makes a giant leap based on things we know about Phil Labonte. The reasoning? I'm just doing the same thing Phil Labonte is doing. The All That Remains frontman recently posted a tweet responding to Rage Against The Machine guitarist Tom Morello's eloquent op-ed for Rolling Stone asking Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan to stop using Rage's songs. Labonte felt that this immediately makes Morello a communist and a fool. Here is what he wrote:

Not exactly sure why Morello is a communist AND a fool. As God Forbid's Doc Coyle accurately pointed out to Labonte , the dude went to Harvard, he is not a fool. But Labonte later elaborated "What school he went too is irrelevant. One can be educated and still fall prey to deception."

Of all the people to call out on being ill informed on politics, you're going to call out Tom Morello? Really? And who said the guy even supports Obama? All he was saying was Ryan needs to stop using his music. I'm so tired of these leaps!

Also, Morello has identified as a "nonsectarian socialist" not a communist. Get your facts straight!

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