Palms, the group featuring Deftones vocalist Chino Moreno and drummer Aaron Harris, bassist Jeff Caxide and guitarist Bryant Clifford Meyer of the now defunct group Isis, are already working on following up their 2013 debut! Talk about a quick turnaround, right?
The above picture was posted on the band's Instagram with the caption "Writing 11.12.13." I guess the perk of being in a band that doesn't do much in the way of live shows is that you've got plenty of time to write. All we see in the picture is Caxide (and I assume it was taken by Harris since it appears to be behind the kit), but it makes me wonder how much Moreno has to do with the writing process since he's got both Deftones and his increasingly important project Crosses with Far guitarist Shaun Lopez. Still, progress on new Palms is good Palms!