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BORN OF OSIRIS Set Studio Date For New Album

Born of Osiris are all geared up to deliver their next masterpiece and give us a vague idea of when it'll be out.

According to guitarist Lee McKinney-

We're excited to announce we'll be entering the studio April 1st to begin the recording process for this record. We will be tracking with Nick Sampson (Asking Alexandria), and Joey Sturgis (The Devil Wears Prada, Emmure) will be handling the mixing process. We are very excited to be working with these guys.

Oh hell yeah! I guarantee there'll be plenty of uproar and butthurt over the names and track records of Sturgis and Sampson, so I preemptively have to say; relax dude, they do great work. I'm psyched like crazy for new Born of Osiris, especially considering how damn awesome The Discovery was. Sure, Jason Richardson isn't playing guitar for them anymore, and as much as I'll miss his shreddiness, McKinney is the furthest thing from a slouch on guitar. McKinney also had to say-

As for the album's content, we're gonna be doing 6 string and 7 string songs on the same recording for the first time ever. Aside from that, we've been more focused for this record than any of the previous. We've had 2+ years to write, critique, adjust and learn these songs, which is just something we haven't had in the past with our intense touring schedule. Like the last album (The Discovery), we've been living and writing this album together and it's made for the best, most focused Born of Osiris album to date.

What makes this release even more special to us is the fact that we'll be releasing it on the one and only Rockstar Energy Mayhem Tour this summer. We get to share the stage with some of the biggest and most talented names in metal. There's no other better way to possibly start this record cycle. We will see you all soon.

I need it.


The band will be spending a good chunk of their summer on the Mayhem Festival.

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