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Tour Dates

If you're not going to slaughter your Summer or thrashing & burning, then perhaps it's time you go Over the Limit. See what I...

Tour Dates

You read that headline correctly! Exodus is going on tour again and they are taking out a band named after their first album release...

Tour Dates

YES!!! YES!! YESS!!!! As we mentioned a few weeks ago, prog masters Cynic will go embark first headlining tour since reuniting a few years...

Tour Dates

Nile are all about planning ahead! They have mapped out a new U.S. tour for the fall that will feature a pretty incredible lineup...

Tour Dates

SOILWORK have just recently announced that they will be hitting the road this July and they have a stacked lineup of bands to support...

Tour Dates

THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD are heading back on the road! And, they're bringing along some really loud bands with them. Just announced...

Tour Dates

CANNIBAL CORPSE have announced their first US tour since appearing on Mayhem Fest last Summer. The band will be taking out 1349, SKELETONWITCH and...

Tour Dates

Today seems to be a day for tour announcements. The Spring Breakdown tour was announced today. BLEEDING THROUGH, BORN OF OSIRIS, SLEEPING GIANT, OCEANO...

Tour Dates

A few weeks ago we were telling you how excited we were for new music from RED SPAROWES. Now we are even more excited...

Tour Dates

Fair warning to all you DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN haters, there will be a ton more coverage of DEP in the coming months as the...

Quick Bits

New tour alert! THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD have announced they will be supporting OTEP on a new tour along with BURY YOUR...

Tour Dates

The Atticus Metal Tour II has been announced. Headlining the run will be Boston metalcore masters UNEARTH. The tour will also feature MI-favorites, VEIL...

Tour Dates

Van's Warped Tour has spread it's wings in the last few years inviting heavier acts to be a part of the touring Summer festival,...

Tour Dates

The dudes in THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER are touring machines. They have been on the road non-stop since their album came out in the...

Tour Dates

WINDS OF PLAGUE have announced a headlining tour with DESPISED ICON, FOR TODAY, STRAY FROM THE PATH and THE WORLD WE KNEW. The tour...

Tour Dates

A few weeks ago we posted about yet another killer tour, featuring co-headliners THE FACELESS and DYING FETUS. Well, the entire itinerary has been...

Tour Dates

New school death metal and old school death metal collide as two of my favorite bands head out on the road together. THE FACELESS...

Tour Dates

Time to put on your high tops and whip out those boogie boards, the party animals in MUNICIPAL WASTE are heading back on the...

Tour Dates

METAL Injection is proud to be one of the co-sponsors of the upcoming BARONESS tour. We cannot stop listing to the Blue Album here...

Tour Dates

File under "things that make you go 'hmmm.'" Other than the fact that they're both heavy, HATEBREED and CANNIBAL CORPSE might be this year's...

Quick Bits

TRIVIUM are spending the Fall on the road! They previously announced a September/October tour with WHITECHAPEL, DARKEST HOUR and DIRGE WITHIN and are now...

Tour Dates

Move over Heathenfest, you have some competition this Fall/Winter. Just announced is a new tour featuring ENSIFERUM (above) along with HYPOCRISY, EX DEO, BLACKGUARD...

Tour Dates

If this was a movie advertisement, it would read "From the people that brought you Paganfest, comes the folksiest event of the Fall." That's...