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Matching Tags: Mike Orlando

Tour Dates

To say that 2016 was a good year for fans of technical death metal would be a gross understatement. The truth is, it was...

Tour Dates

Aside from the dates with Metallica and Avenged Sevenfold!

Tour Dates

With support from Hellbender and Demons Within, depending on the date.

Tour Dates

Animals As Leaders are not ones to sit at home and do nothing. Today, they announced they'll be heading out on the road with...

Tour Dates

Aversions Crown, Spite, and No Zodiac too.

Tour Dates

Metallica, Avengend Sevenfold, Volbeat and Gojira are coming to eff your summer up.

Tour Dates

Dixe Dave and the Weedeater crew are once again hitting the American roads as the underground southern metal trio have announced U.S. tour dates...

Tour Dates

Oathbreaker had one of the most dynamic releases of 2016 and now they want to play it for North America. The band have announced...

Tour Dates

Plus we finally know Morbid Angel's new lineup!

Tour Dates

Mostly southeast dates.

Tour Dates

Carnifex, Despised Icon, Fallujah, Lorna Shore, Shemustburn, and Rings Of Saturn to be precise.

Tour Dates

Featuring such acts as (insert band here) and (insert band here)! Holy crap!

Tour Dates

Code Orange is an upcoming band to definitely keep a close eye on. These metallic hardcore upstarts are making waves. Code Orange is set...