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"Warlocks Grim and Withered Hags bursts with growth and a mature exploration of different avenues of darkness and eeriness while maintaining that original high...


"It's raw, yet unabashedly refined at the same time. Frankly, this might be Lock Up's best recorded work in their twenty plus years of...


Examination of Violent Cinema, Vol. 1 is set to be another incendiary feather in the cap of the world’s premiere cine-grind band.


Motorhead recorded one last live album a month before Lemmy's passing - and it fucking rocks.


It's debatable whether Electric Warlock is a superior album to its predecessor, Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor, but frankly after the career nadir of the...


Six years. I still can’t believe it has been six years since Era Vulgaris was released. In some ways, this wait didn’t seem that...


Grind has been making a comeback lately – its decline in both popularity and availability roughly traceable to Nasum's 2005 break up – and you'd...


Deadlock is a combination of what are probably now the most nauseating ingredients in metal – nth generation melodic Swedish death metal, screamed verses, and...


"Backdrops and inspirations aside, this is music for rumbling the depths of the soul."


"Mind Burns Alive is sure to evoke something new and delightfully pensive out of the listener."


"Knocked Loose has embraced a melodic direction with this record, weaving in a theme that avoids being cheesy but rather eerie and unsettling."


"Overall, it's a solid record with a lot to really love."


"Honestly, the biggest flaw of Phantoma is a gripe that could be made about a lot of power metal: too much of it sounds...


"Charismatic Leaders is another classic entry in their catalog and another reason for why Wheel absolutely deserves to be a household name in the...


"This album isn't one for genre purists, but lovers of pure expression created by people with a deep understanding of multiple types of music."


"So long as Deicide is putting out albums of this quality, it'll be worth checking out whatever that is."


"Give Vanden Plas a shot if you're looking for some accessible metal that will be sure to satisfy your melodic tooth."


Well, I hope you weren't looking for someone pretending to be objective here. My Dying Bride is my favorite doom band of all time...


"If this album is a sign of things to come, then High On Fire aren't getting old. They've just become legends."


"The Shape of Fluidity is an outstanding glimpse into van Dorst's individual (but universally resonant) triumphs and tribulations."


"Necrot is one of the most-hyped death bands of the last 10 years, and this album gives you a good idea why."


"Tomorrow's Rain is not here to make you feel good. That being said, those who appreciate the genre will have a lot to contemplate...


"Exist have outdone themselves yet again with Hijacking the Zeitgeist."