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Two years after releasing the catchiest sludge metal album in history, BIG BUSINESS are back, this time with a guitarist. For whatever distinction they've...

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(Full disclosure: HULL are bros of the MI crew. Unfortunately, their music also happens to rule.) Hullking (sorry) out of Brooklyn onto The End...


Like any movie starring Freddy Krueger, CANNIBAL CORPSE are almost insusceptible to evaluation. Anybody who likes Cannibal Corpse is going to enjoy Evisceration Plague,...


Unlike many rockers turned pop culture celebrities, Sebastian Bach isn't overexposed.  This is probably because his star turns are so strange.  While Bret Michaels has...


There are certain record labels which I trust on dealing with bands that have a lot of “artistic credibility”. The End Records has built...


Houston is known for scorching heat, 110% humidity, it's status as the United States' fattest city and a crime rate that rivals New York...


I know this review is about a year over due, but I felt that it was about time someone gave this band a little...


So there's been bellyaching about the production on the new Watain album.  Yes, it's cleaner than on previous full-lengths Rabid Death's Curse and Casus...


At the moment, the main selling point for Laethora is that its lineup includes guitarist Niklas Sundin of Dark Tranquillity. A skilled graphic designer...


Now this is how you do Swedish melodic death metal! Imagine the hardest parts of Arch Enemy mixed with later Hypocrisy and Dark Tranquillity...

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