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Search results for "Was"


What the fuck do Weekend Nachos owe this world? Nothing but misery and pain. And certainly no apologies for those sentiments.


The Evil Divide starts off on a nuclear-stamped note of conflagration, that being the frenetic vehemence of “The Moth,” a song that sees the...


Characteristically brief at 33 minutes, the 13 songs here provide more consistent predictability with a renewed focus on anthemic, uptempo numbers combining brisk rhythmic...


A winsome collection of lilting prog and impassioned melodies, The Fall of Hearts takes us even further afield from the metal scene than usual...


In the interest of full disclosure, and as a demonstration of the transformative power that comes with taking one’s time and ignoring first impressions,...


Under Attack is album number fourteen and if there’s an underlying message at play it’s that you can teach old dogs new tricks while...


Reductionist and fresh sounding, Hinder have come back with a release that is almost cleansing in nature.


A pilgrimage that is dense, sweeping and chaotic; its darkness engulfing.


At this point in time, it feels as if all directions of metal have been exhausted. But fortunately, the envelope continues to be pushed...


There is probably not going to be a better death metal record coming out this year. But should we even bother calling this death...


Electric Citizen might be about to take over the world, and this record is their exciting next step.


If you’re a diehard fan of Devildriver, then you are going to rejoice at their reformation and Trust No One. But if you’re not...


Nattesferd serves as the culmination of Kvelertak's career as a band up to this point, a satisfying payoff to their trajectory from a relatively...


Syberia are more than just another post metal band. They are taking the promise of the genre to new, more beautiful heights.


It's debatable whether Electric Warlock is a superior album to its predecessor, Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor, but frankly after the career nadir of the...


NTW is a plenty worthy release. It's just going to make you wish that there was more.


False Highs, True Lows is carnivorous and frothing, teeming with black metal and metallic hardcore influences that leaves almost no room to breathe.


WRONG's first full length album provides noise rock anthems that provide the real feel of a room and manage to capture a taste of...


Straight to the point, no bullshit, no frills, no filler, nothing but solid brass knuckles track by track.


It's shocking in the same way that a '80s B-horror film is, and that's just the way Aborted want it. Step into the delightful...


In 2014, the band's release of Up In Hell showed promise consisting of a slight nü metal and hardcore fusion. Two years later, Incite...


The pressure is on for Fallujah if Dreamless can simultaneously stand up to The Flesh Prevails, while still keeping us interested for the future.


It would be a bit harder to believe that Opeth have been kicking around the metal scene for a full 25 years now if...