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If tech-death is your jam then this album will probably knock your socks off or at least pull them part way down.


If you're interested in fast death metal with very brutal characteristics, this four-piece North Carolina band is an entertaining selection.


London, England's venerable and vicious Killing Joke is a band that, arguably, has been coming so close to its classic era of late that...


It’s easy to imagine Zombi being swallowed by the very sea of artists they helped inspire, but these two guys have several advantages that...


The orchestral element is vital in So Hideous' aesthetic, a trait of true unique distinction. For any doubters or naysayers, the inclusion of an...


The sound displayed on True Will is exactly what is to be expected on a decent debut album. White Widows Pact excel within their...


Sevendust is a divisive band within the metalsphere, one that so-called "trve" metalheads either love to hate or hate to love. Either they're dogged...


Germany’s Pyogenesis is probably most renowned, or reviled, for the drastic transformation they’ve made over the course of their existence and subsequent rejuvenation. Specifically,...


Striving off a unique blend of hard rock and classic prog, Godsticks stake out their spot in the spectrum as a force more remarkable...


What New Bermuda delivers is an overall more calamitous and harsher experience


So, Golgotha. Album number fifteen. Holy crap! They’ve released thirteen albums since I stopped giving a shit? Thirteen! That’s crazy.


The former reigning kings of metalcore, Atreyu, are back, for better or for worse. And the aptly named Long Live should answer all questions...


From their beginnings pioneering death/doom (like fellow masters Paradise Lost) to their obsession with gloomy funeral doom, My Dying Bride evokes the air of...


It's only been two years since Grime unleashed their misanthropic, despondent middle finger known as Deteriorate. The record was so filthy you got, well,...


Despite outlasting their Finnish brethren, who split up shortly after Stream, Skepticism haven’t exactly been the most prolific dudes on the planet. Ordeal is...

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Christian Mistress is a confounding egg of a band. A half-decade ago, they took a good chunk of the metal world by storm with...


With three solid vocalists in their studio recording history, there's arguably one voice that can be considered the most definitively fitting for TesseracT. Not...


For this specific collaboration, members of Mudvayne, Hellyeah, and Skrape unite to test their strengths against the likes of previous major successors like Down...


The Book of Souls offers a textbook example of how a band's previous album can effectively set fan's expectations for the follow up before...


Since their debut, Riverside has always carried the 'Porcupine Tree's little brother act' label. Yet, with that main comparison now on hiatus during extensive...


Fortunately for retro-rock aficionados, the guys in Kadavar not only have a firm grasp on the sounds of the 70s, but the song writing...


Bad Magic arrives at a tumultuous time in Motörhead's history. What was meant to be a triumphant return after several years of escalating health...


As much Liszt as Limbonic Art, Lychgate combine the avant-garde leanings of unconventional time signatures, classical music, but build each level onto a harsh...