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Search results for "leng"


When you review the band responsible for your employer's theme song, your hands are a little tied. The opening riffs of "Praise the Lord...


Metal bands often talk of war, but few actually sound like it. Amon Amarth and Bolt Thrower have built careers around war themes, yet...


"Still not loud enough, still not fast enough!" So began Sounds of the Animal Kingdom, Brutal Truth's third and final studio full-length before disbanding...


"Hail the holy four pillars of uncreation: sodomy, abortion, suicide, and cannibalism!" So reads the "Manifest" on Heresi's website. Heresi is one Skamfer, who...


In American law, the doctrine of "fruit of the poisonous tree" refers to the inadmissibility of evidence obtained through illegal means. For example, if...


After Coldplay's performance at 2003's MTV Music Awards, host Chris Rock said, "Wow, I hope you didn't slit your wrists to that one." He...


If Sweden's Wolf had its way, Bruce Dickinson would never have joined Iron Maiden and Rob Halford would never have left Judas Priest. Over...